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Title: Timeline: A Terran Empire timeline

Author: Ann Wilson

Release date: June 9, 2008 [eBook #25738]
Most recently updated: March 3, 2020

Language: English

Credits: Produced by Al Haines


Creative Commons Licence

Imperial Empire Timeline


Ann Wilson

Copyright (C) 1992 by Ann Wilson

[Preparer's note: Bolded titles indicate those that have been published separately in Project Gutenberg.]


Before the Common (Christian) Era:
(All dates approximate)

35,000 -- "Others" transport Traiti from Terra to Homeworld.
8000 -- "Others" transport cloudcats to Ondrian and depart for another plane of existence.
3000 -- White Order formed on Irschcha.
2500 -- Traiti Circle of Lords begins formation.  ("Godhome" segment of "Fearful Symmetry".)

Common Era:

1398 -- Traiti land on Homeworld's largest moon.
1969 -- Terrans land on Luna.
1979 -- Skylab falls.  Spacing essentially limited to orbital missions.
1986 -- Space shuttle Challenger explodes.  Space programs become minimal.
2010 -- Second set of space programs begins.
2012 -- Ireland reunified, primarily by Bishop Michael Rourke.
2016 -- Bishop Rourke dies.
2043 -- Rourke beatified.
2046 -- Rourke canonized.
2050 -- Lunar colony becomes self-sufficient.  Cheong Chang born.
2058 -- Practical ion drive developed.  Martian and asteroid colonies begun.
2091 -- Solar Federation formed.  Terraforming of Mars begins.
2113 -- Anti-agathic drug developed.
2123 -- Nannstein develops gravitics.
2124 -- Cheong Chang elected President of Solar Federation.
2125 -- Nannstein invents hyperdrive.  Interstellar travel begins, Solar System terraforming ceases.
2128 -- President Chang, with cooperation of Solar Federation Congress, proclaims Terran Empire
             and assumes Throne (22 Jan, Empire Day), forms Rangers, directs regularization of English.
2130 -- Imperial Palace built in Antarctica.  Shapers leave Terra, begin creating Sandeman race.
2131 -- Susan M. Lindner becomes first female Ranger.
2133 -- Narvon III colonized.
2142 -- Xanadu colonized.
2149 -- Cheong Chang dies; Susan Lindner succeeds to Throne; Bjorn Bengtsson elected Successor.
             ("New Years Wake")
2153 -- Retreat colonized.
2154 -- Mjolnir colonized.
2158 -- First of what is to become Kingdom Systems settled.
2182 -- Susan Lindner dies; Bjorn Bengtsson succeeds to Throne; Juana Mendez elected Successor.
2187 -- Traiti develop hyperdrive.
2190 -- Shining Arrow leaves Rangers to marry, becomes first Duke of Sector Five.
2230 -- Bjorn Bengtsson dies; Juana Mendez succeeds to Throne; Christopher Kyle elected Successor.
2235 -- Catholic priests allowed to marry and raise families.
2249 -- Juana Mendez dies; Christopher Kyle succeeds to Throne; Mohammed Gamayel elected Successor.
2256 -- Christopher Kyle dies; Mohammed Gamayel succeeds to Throne; Corwin Jacobs elected Successor.
2275 -- Nosferatu pseudo-virus becomes active on Narvon; first Kins of the Dragon appear.
2277 -- First Bloodmates become known.  ("Teams")
2280 -- Mohammed Gamayel dies; Corwin Jacobs succeeds to Throne; Brandy Lansky elected Successor.
2283 -- First lead to creators of bio-constructed "humans" found.  ("Not Quite Human")
2310 -- Massive genetic engineering on humans outlawed.
2315 -- Corwin Jacobs dies; Brandy Lansky succeeds to Throne; Halona Strider elected Successor.
2316 -- Sandemans revolt, destroying Shapers.  (Overthrow Day, 7 Oct.)
2321 -- Empire encounters "semisapient, lizardlike Shonnar."  Interdiction zone established around Retreat.
2333 -- Brandy Lansky dies; Halona Strider succeeds to Throne; Nicholas Browder elected Successor.
2366 -- Halona Strider dies; Nicholas Browder succeeds to Throne; Eileen Holt elected Successor.
2382 -- Nicholas Browder dies; Eileen Holt succeeds to Throne; Grant Barton elected Successor.
2395 -- Eileen Holt dies; Grant Barton succeeds to Throne; Leonard Frey elected Successor.
2420 -- Grant Barton dies; Leonard Frey succeeds to Throne; Joyce Kingsley elected Successor.
2488 -- Leonard Frey dies; Joyce Kingsley succeeds to Throne; Adli Yasunon elected Successor.
2494 -- James Kieran Medart born.
2502 -- Gaelan DarShona born.
2508 -- Joyce Kingsley dies; Adli Yasunon succeeds to Throne; Charles Davis elected Successor.
2510 -- Rick Forrest born.
2518 -- Yonar Colony flood; Medart leads rescue fleet on first solo mission as a Ranger.
2527 -- MacLeod discovers Irschcha.  Irschchans join Empire.
2532 -- Joint human-Irschchan colony established on Ondrian.  Cloudcats found to be intelligent.
2533 -- Esteban Tarlac born.
2540 -- Sandemans erupt into Imperial space, beginning conquest of Sector Five.  Gaelan DarShona
             taken prisoner late in year, swears fealty to Baron Frederick Klaes of Mjolnir.
             (Chapter 1, "Warrior" section of "Annexation")
2541 -- Gaelan fights Warleader Riordan DarLeras for Mjolnir's safety.  Kennneth Gaelan Klaes
             born. (Rest of "Warrior" section, "Annexation")  Dave Scanlon born.
2542 -- Medart takes Imperial fleet to Sector Five, stops Sandeman Invasion.  Sandeman and its
             colony worlds annexed into Empire as Subsector 5-D (Sandeman), with Frederick
             Klaes as Earl.  Maria Klaes becomes Baron of Mjolnir. ("Ranger" section, "Annexation")
2547 -- Nevan DarLeras born.  Gabriel Marguerre born.
2548 -- Corina Losinj born.  David Hobison takes command of Emperor Chang.
2553 -- Adli Yasunon dies; Charles Davis succeeds to Throne; Rick Forrest elected Successor.
2555 -- Tarlac held hostage by Nemran rebels; Dave Scanlon made Life Duke.  ("Hostage")
2558 -- Empire encounters Traiti.  Traiti War begins.
2559 -- Major Horst Marguerre taken prisoner by Traiti, adopted by Clan N'chark.  ("Youngling")
2563 -- Dave Scanlon and Kenneth Klaes graduate from ITMA.  Scanlon assigned to IBC Emperor
             Chang on special detail to Ranger Medart.
2568 -- Ranger Esteban Tarlac ends Traiti War, becoming part of the Circle of Lords.  Traiti
             join Empire.  ("Fearful Symmetry")
2569 -- Irschchan White Order revolts; Corina Losinj becomes first nonhuman Ranger, meets
             Lt. Nevan DarLeras, stops revolt.  ("A Matter of Honor")  Sovereign and all
             Rangers trained in the use of their psionic Talent.  Strong Talent added to requirements
             for Rangers.
2570 -- Nevan DarLeras graduates from IntelDiv field agent school, is sent to infiltrate Melgarie pirate fleet.
2572 -- Kingdom Systems discovered.  Michael Odeon turned into Ranger.  ("The Alembic Plot")
             Michael Rourke is resurrected; Ravager invasion, accompanied by major religious
             revival.  Rourke dies in banishing a Ravager.  ("Resurrection")
             Rourke is "replaced" by Fr. Gabriel Marguerre.
2574 -- Nevan DarLeras swears fealty to Corina Losinj.
2577 -- Charles Davis dies; Rick Forrest succeeds to Throne; Corina Losinj elected Successor.
2578 -- Nevan DarLeras meets and makes friends with Kiyoshi Owajima.  ("Ambush")
2603 -- Rick Forrest dies; Corina Losinj succeeds to Throne; Jasmine Wang elected Successor.
2624 -- Dana Manfredi is taken into Clan Alanna.  ("Thakur-Na")
             Corina Losinj dies; Jasmine Wang succeeds to Throne; Ray Kennard elected Successor.
2630 -- Jasmine Wang dies; Ray Kennard succeeds to Throne; Anna Peterson elected Successor.
2644 -- Jess Winters born.
2650 -- Sonel Fayette surfaces as Fleet Admiral.
2652 -- Female Sandeman warrior Valadon DarHavek born.
2669 -- James Medart dies while aiding Alternate Zeta Prime; Ariel of Rolian transfers from there to take his place.
             ("Zeta Exchange")
2678 -- Ray Kennard dies; Anna Peterson succeeds to Throne; Konstantin Gagarin elected Successor.
2682 -- "Ghost Barbarian" incursion; Jess Winters instrumental in ending it.  ("Battle in the Dust")
2683 -- Jess Winters transferred to and becomes Sovereign of Alternate Sierra.
2695 -- Second Ravager War.
2700 -- Anna Peterson dies; Konstantin Gagarin succeeds to Throne; Sharon Windsor elected Successor.
2750 -- Nosferatu pseudo-virus attains self-awareness in Chee Campbell.  ("Touch of the Dragon")
2753 -- Konstantin Gagarin dies; Sharon Windsor succeeds to Throne; Prae Ofyn elected Successor.
2804 -- Sharon Windsor dies; Prae Ofyn succeeds to Throne; Einar Lang elected Successor.
2855 -- Nevan DarLeras dies.